"מן היסוד" היא סדרת ראיונות מצולמים עם מייסדי מכון תל אביב לפסיכואנליזה בת זמננו. הראיונות נערכו מאז 2019, לרגל 20 שנה להקמת המכון. את הסדרה יזמה הוועדה המדעית של המכון.
ג'יזל ורד – פסיכואנליטיקאית מנחה
My desire to be a psychoanalyst is rooted in my French education and upbringing. My sisters and I recently found my mother’s secret War diary. We read it after a significant period of “latency”, and were both surprised to find out that my mother had written it while fighting in the Resistance during World War II. We apparently needed some time and distance from her death to be able to confront it, and to finally read its contents. We were amazed. The diary is filled with detailed, pedagogical observations, almost psychoanalytic. We grew up with this kind of thinking at home. Also, I discovered Freud at puberty, as my interest in sexuality led me to read his books, which I found on my parents’ private bookshelves. This was indeed a weird primal scene, but so it was. I read Freud’s books avidly, and he became my “mentor” in life.
When I was 19, I began my first, Freudian, analysis, to deal with my own distress and eventually I hoped to enter the SPP, which is affiliated with the IPA. But as the Jewish Joke teaches us, if you want to make God laugh, tell him about your projects. I met Micha, an Israeli, we fell in love, and eventually got married. Even though Didier Anzieu, and many other famous psychoanalysts and philosophers were my teachers, such as Paul Ricoeur, and Michel de M Uzan, I followed Micha to Israel, and made Aliya. Fifty years later, we are still married. We have three daughters, and established a large family here.
When I came to Israel, I worked for many years in the Mental Health Center in Be’er Yaakov, and also in my private clinic in Rechovot. I felt that training at the Jerusalem Institute while raising three children and living in Rechovot was not reasonable for me, and with great sorrow, I decided to give up my long-time dream to be an analyst. This was until, a meaningful “train” arrived in my life in the year 2000. Alice Buras invited me to participate in the superb project of building a new Institute. Gila Ofer and Batya Shoshani interviewed me, and I became an Institute founder. From a professional point of view, it was the smartest move I made, and I never regretted it. The rest is history.
I feel very connected and identify deeply with TAICP, even when I disagree with some of the decisions. After I finished my training, and my second analysis, which was Kleinian this time, I started to teach theoretical courses and clinical seminars, and to supervise trainees at the Institute. I continue to do this. Psychoanalytic treatment has become and continues to be my main clinical occupation and preoccupation. Also, Fifteen years ago, Beatrice Priel, Alice Buras, Isabelle Benhamou, and I, alongside other members of the Institute, created the French Reading Group, which is a great success. As a group we promote Contemporary French Psychoanalysis in the Institute.
הראיון עמה נערך באוקטובר 2021 על ידי אורנה קיסלסי, פסיכואנליטיקאית מנחה, יו"ר הוועדה המדעית, ואיריס פרח, עמיתה במכון תל אביב לפסיכואנליזה בת זמננו. צילום ועריכה: דרגן סטיגליק.